Monday, June 11, 2007


1.Writing Good News and Neutral News Letters
*Direct Order of Information
As you write a good news letter, arrange your information in the order as follows,
1.Identify the letter's purpose in the subject line or opening paragraph.
2.Place the good news in the opening paragrph
3.State the details that support the good news in the middle paragraphs
4.Close with a statement of goodwill
Note: the above-mentioned produces a structure suitable for any good news or neutral news.
*Four Types of Good News Letter
This section offers specific guidelines for planning the following good news letters and neutral letters. inquiry
2.a request acknowledgement introduction

An Inquiry

A letter of inquiry asks others to supply information or indea about a product or a service.
The order for setting out information as listed below.
1.Identify the inquiry in the subject line
2.Open with the inquiry and a short background if neccessary
3.Indicate how the receiver is to respond
4.Close in a courteous and friendly manner

When you need specific information,open with a question.When you need to ask more than one question, open with a summary statement.Then in the body, list and number the questions from most important to least important.

A Request
Different from an inquiry in what it asks for a specific action.
The order as follows below/
1.Identify the request in the subjuct line
2.If you choose to omit the subject line,identify the request and give a brief reason and background for it in the opening paragraph
3.Ask for a specific response to your request
4.Close courteously to maintain goodwill
A purchase order is an example of specific request

An Acknowledgment

A letter of acknowledgment acknowledges requests for information,confirms orders,supplies information and thanks the reader. and the order as shown below.
1.Start with the acknowledgment
2.Say "yes" clearly,when relevant.
3.Supply any necessary information or details
4.Close courteously to maintain goodwill
It's courteous and helpful to acknowledge orders immediately.If a delay in delivery is likely, send an interim acknowledgment letter thanking the customers for the order.Explain the reasons for the delay so that the customer know what is happening and when to expect delivery
In addition,some letters of acknowledgment are writing to ask for a service or help. The same writing strategy applies
*Begin with an acknowledgment --for example,"Thank you for your invitation to address your students".Clearly say yes."I will be delighted to do so".
*Supply necessary information--for example,"I have work commitment on the date you nominated,so I would prefer the late time of 8 P.M"
*Close courteously."Please contact my secretary to confirm these details. I look forward to seeing you".

A Letter of Introduction
A well-timed letter of introduction reaches the readers when they need the type of service it offers.By using correct business letter format and each of the basic parts of a business letter,your letter will make a good impression. Letters of introduction aim to establish contact, good will,and an opportunity for future sales. Write in a courteous tone,using the "you" approach to show interest in the reader, and provide interesting details with believable information. The writing plan as shown below,
1.Use the subject line to catch the readers' attention
2.Open by explaining your reason for the introduction and aim to catch the readers' atterntion
3.Supply details and information in the middle paragraph to create a desire to read further
4.Close by saying what you can do for the readers and what you want the readers to do.
Remenber that this kind of letter is not requested ,so try to keep it shor,complete and courteous to avoid irritating the reader
Each of the four good news letters presented so far has its own writing plan.

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