Sunday, June 24, 2007

Short Report

A report is a detailed account or statement that is used to relay information from one person to another.A report can be either in written form or in oral form. In written form,reports serve not only as a way of relaying information but also as official records by which the information is relayed.A shor report may simply provide information.

Formats of Shorts Reports.
According to an evaluation of reader's need,purpoes of the report and complexity of the subject, a short report takes the form of letter or a memorandum.
When a short report takes the form of a letter,it contains the following organizational elements.
1.The writter's address
2.The date
3.Inside or reader's address
7.Complimentary close
8.Signature block
Usually,a letter is sent to outside the organization.

When a short report takes the form of a memorandum,it contains the following organizational elements.
1.Rearder's name
2.Writer's name
4.subject line or title
Usually,the memo is used within the organization

Types of Short Reports
According to different purposes and situations,we can classify the short reports into the following four kinds.

*Justification Report
It presents an idea or proposal and follows this with evidence to support it.As this kind of report usually seeks approval for something and teh resources involved,it is usually sent upwards in the oranization.

The writing plans is usually as follows,
1.Purposes statement
*Identify the report's purpose statement
2.Body of information
*Describe the current situation
*Describe the change
*Describe the cost factors
*Discuss the advantages or disadvantages
*Make a conclusion
*Close with the recommendation

*Periodic Report
A periodic report is the most common report prepared in business.It informs management,at regular intervals,on some aspect of the organization's operation over a specified period.

The writing plan is as follows:
1.Purpose statement
*Identify the report's purpose with a suject line or a purpose statement
*Open the body of the report with facts and figures
*Present objective information on achievements problems
*Summarize the findings
*Close with the recommendation(s)

*Progress Report
It is an essential part of the organizational's management information system.It sends objective factual information,ususally to management,on the progress of a task and on timetables for future work and completion.

The writing plan as follows,
1.Purpose statement
*Identify the report's purpose with a subject line or a purpose statement
*Open the body of the report with the current status,work or goals completed so far
*Follow with details of the operation's achievements
*Present any problems and state how they were resolved or will be resolved
*Indicate future

*Incident Report
It gives management a clear,factual account of an incident that is noe-routine.It is primarily an information report,offering the receiver objective,factual details rather than a full analysis or justification of the incident.

The plan as follows,
1.Purpose statement
*Identify a purpose of the statement
*A short general statement about the incident
*A description of the circumstances that lead up to the incident
*An outline of what happened,in appropriate detail
*An indication of the ourcome:the effect the incident had or is having
*Indicate possible actions

Writing Points
Some important writing techniques for greater effectiveness.
1.Indicate your purpose clearly
2.Give accurate and objective information
3.Organize clearly so that the report highlighting the main points and leads logically to your conclusions

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh please do one on resumes! It's really needed