Sunday, June 24, 2007


Much of the "business" of a business takes place in meetings. Meetings can be conducted very informally,with no rules at all,or very formally,adhering closely to parliamentary prcedure. Whatever the size,a written record may need to be kept for future reference. All but the most informal records of a meeting are called minutes.

Organization Elements of Minutes

Chairperson-the name of the person or the group holding the meeting
Time-the beginning and ending time and date of the meeting
Participants-the people tho attend the meeting
Content-problems for discussion,opinion of the spearkers,decisions in the meeting,etc.
Minutes Keeper-the person who takes minutes

Type of Minutes
Usually,we can classify minutes into two types according to their degree of formality.

*Informal Minutes
When a meeting does not follow parliamentary procedure,its minutes can be quite informal.Informal minutes are to have a comprehensive summary,taking down ,one after another,the important such as motions,plans,resolutions.

Minutes of a Monthly Meeting of Board of Directors
Time:March,5, 2000,2:30PM
Place:Meeting Room,fifthe floor,the Central Building of Sun Hotel
Participants:All the directors
Chairman: Chairman of the board,Mr.Liwens
Minutes Keeper:Lily

The chief items at the meeting:
After the meeting was declared open,Mr.Liwens,chairman of the board,made a report on the work and total sales of the company at this season,which was followed by a heated discussion.
All the directors agreed to hold a press conference for the company next month.
The meeting suggested inviting experts from Canada to give a training course to all the employees of the company.
The meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM.

*Formal Meeting

Formal meeting are those that follow parliamentary procedure.they concentrate on the specific action at the meeting,including committee reports heard and accepted and motions made.

Friends of Mapleleaf Park

Minutes of Meeting
June 12,2000
The regular quarterly meeting of the Friends of Mapleleaf Park Inc.,was held at the Colonial Lodge,2:00PM,June 12,2000.The meeting was called to order and presided ovey by Dr.Elaine Di Martello,president.

The minutes of the last metting were read and approved
Treasurer's Report
Thomas Martin,treaturer,reported receipts of $275.00 and expenditures of $158.75 since the last meeting,for a current balance of $248.82.The report was accepted.
Committee Reports
Andrew Fine presented the report of the Social Committee.A benefit concert by the Apple Valley Jug Band will be held in the park on July 5.
The report of the Improvements Committee was presented by Lucy Warren,who distributed the results of a survey on the use of Mapleleaf Park.
New Business
It was moved by Caria Wade,seconded by Andrew Fine,that up to $500 be spend on a new drinking fountain,to be chosen by the Improvements Committee.After discussion,the motion was approved.The meeting was adjourned at 3:15PM.

Edward Willing

Writting Points
Some important writing techniques for greater effectiveness.
1.Choose the proper type of minutes according to the needs
2.Clearly list the organizational elements of minutes
3.Avoid omitting any important contents of minutes
4.Put the signature of the minutes keeper in the record

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