A proposal is an offer to do something or a suggestion for action.Proposals are written documents designed to obtain business an dare a critical part of many business.Their general purpose is to persuade readers to improve conditions authorize work on a project,accept a service,support a plan,etc. It should be internal or external,that is written for members of your oganization or clients and funding agencies.You might write the proposal alone or as part of a team.
The Proposal Format
Proposals have an introduction-body-conclusion arrangement.Each part contains some sub-section.
Usualy contains the following elements:problem.purpose,need,scope,etc..
Usually contains the following elements: method or procedures ,materials and equipment,personnel,evaluation,cost,etc.
Usually contains the following elements: summary,request for action,etc.
Types of Proposals
Based on intention,a proposal may be a planning,research or sales proposal.
1.The Planning Proposal
Suggests ways to solve a problem or to bring about improvement.For example
January 16,2000
Mary Wilson
Senior Education and Training Officer
XYZ Corporation
69 North Charles Boulevard
Cambridge,MA 02139
Dear Mary,
Thanks for sending along the outline for your writting workshop.Understandably,such an ambitious plan for eight hours of contact time would not likely produce noticeable results.Here's what we're doing our end to design an approach that should be realistic and gratifying.
Assessment of Needs
After conferring with the technicians in both Jack's and Terry's groups,and analyzing their writing samples,we identified the following limited hierarchy of common needs:
-improving readability;
-achieving precise diction;
-summarizing information;
-organizing a set of proceduresl;
-formulating various memo reports;
-analyzing audiences for upward communication;
-writting persuasive bids for transfer or promotion;
-writting persuasive suggestion;
Proposed Plan
Based on the above-listed needs,we have limited our instruction package to eight carefully selected and readily achievable goals.
Course Outline
Our eight 2-hour sessions are structured as follows:
1.achieving sentence clarity
2.achieving sentence conciseness
3.achieving fluency and precise diction
4.writting summaries and abstracts
5.outlining procedures and manuals
6.editing procedures and manuals
7.formulating various reports for various purposed
8.analyzing the audience and writting persuasively
Classroom Format
The first three metting will be lecture-intensive.So students can apply the material covered in our sessions,we will assign weekly exercises to be done at home and edited collecting in class.The remaining five weeks will combine lecture and exercises with group editing of work-related documents.Our intent throughout is remain flexible enough (within the course outline)that we can respond to emerging needs.
If you have any suggestion for refining this plan,please let us know.
Best Wishes,
Carl Winston
2.The Research Proposal
It requests approval and often funding for a research project.
March 16,2002
To: Dr. John Lannon
From: T.Sorrells Dewoody
Over the past four decades huge huge losses of western white pines have occurred in the Northern Rockies,primarily attributable to white pine blister rust and the attack of the mountain pine beetle.Estimated annual mortality is 318 million board feet.Because of the low natural resistance of white pine to blister rust,this high mortality rate is expected to continue indefinitely.
Statement of Problem
White pine mortality results in a reduction in value of white pine stumpage,since the commercial lumber market will not accept it.The major implications of this problem are two: First,in the face of rising demand for wood,vast amounts of timber are not being used;second,dead trees are left to accumulate in the woods,where they are rapidly becoming a major fire hazard.
Proposal Solution
One possible solution to the problem of white pine martality and waste is to search for markets other than the conventional lumber market.The last few years have seen a burst of popularity and a growing demand for weathered barn boards and wormy pine for interior paneling.Some firms around the country are marketing defective wood as specialty products (Note:These firms call teh wood from which their products come "distressed".This term will hereafter be used to refer to dead and defective white pine.) There is a good possibility that distressed white pine might find a place in such a market.
My primary data sources will include consultations with Dr.James Hill,Professor of Wood Utilization,and Dr.Sven Bergman,Forest Economist-both members of the College of Forestry,Wildlife,and Range.I will also inspect decks of dead white pine at several locations and visit a processing mill to evaluate it as a possible base of operation.I will round out my primary research with a letter and telephone survey of processors and wholesalers of distressed material. Secondary sources will include selected publicatins on the uses of dead timber, and a review of and ongoing study by Dr.Hill concerning the used of dead white pine.
My Qualifications
I have been following Dr.Hill's study on dead white pine for two years. In June of this year,I will receive my B.S. in forest management. I am familiar with wood milling processes and have had firsthand experience at logging.My association with Dr.Hill and Dr.Bergman creates the opportunity for an in-depth feasibility study
Clearly,something should be done to reduce the vast accumulations of dead white pine in our forest.The land on which they stand is among the most productive forestland in Northern Idaho.By addressing the six areas of inquiry mentioned earlier,I can determine the feasibility of directing capital and labor to the production of distressed white pine products.With your approval I will begin my research at once
3.The Sales Proposal
It's addressed to clients and offers a service or product.
March 20,2000
Dear Mrs.Weston,
As a follow-up to our discussion of the need for training in the area of oral and interpersonal communication for your supervisory and middle management personal,I am pleased to present the following proposal.
The problem
Management has perceived a need for improved communication performance on the part of supervisory and middle-management personnel to strengthen relationship between them and their subordinates.
A Proposed Course of Instruction
Based on our experience,the following broad concept should be effective in producing better understanding and improved performance.
Teaching-Learning Method
The acquisition of interpersonal skills results from an activity-oriented training program in which students have an opportunity to apply theory through role playing,case discussion,and critical feedback.
In this approach,the instructor is a learning facilitator rather than a lecturer.Frequent use of our video playback accompanied by instructor and group feedback reinforces learning.
The following topics constitute the content core of the program:
1.Perception and self-concept
2.A positive communication climate
3.Sending skills
4.Receiving skills
5.Nonverbal skills
6.Reducing communication barriers
7.Resolving conflict
9.Smal-group communicatin
10.Power and persuation
Learning Materials
Because students seen to feel more comfortable when they have a textbook to guide then,we use the Verderber book,Interact.Additionally,case-problem handouts are provided for role and discussion.
Length of Course
The course consists of twelve 2-hour sessions over a six-week period.
Number of Participants
Because of the activity orientation of the program,a maximum of 12 students(participants) is desirable.
All teaching-learning materials will be provided by us and include textbooks,handouts,video camera and playback equipment,Based on a 12-session,12-participant program,the total cost is $1,800.When two courses are offered on the same days,the total cost is $3,300.
Should you like to discuss implementation of the program,I will be pleased to meet with you at your convenience.
Enclosures: Biographical sketches of instructional staff
Writing Points
Some important writing tchniques for greater effectiveness
1.Be sure that your subject is focused and your purpose worthwhile
2.Use the approach format
3.Identify all related problem
4.Offer realistic methods and provide concrete information
5.Create a tone that connects with your readers.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
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